Friday, October 23, 2009

Um... "Fail" anyone?

Ok... recently we have recieved a... special... comment... whose username shall not be mentioned (*cough*CP*cough*)

And we'd like to clear out some issues you have there...

First of all... You say you've seen the whole first season?

Well that's great. Awesome. Problem is...

We've seen the whole thing. We've seen Naruto, Naruto Shippuuden, and read the whole manga. Part 1 and what there is of 2. So we're up to date.

And second... you have no way of knowing if you've known Naruto longer. And... what difference does it make whose known it longer...?

I mean... seriously... The fact is if you know or not. So please... before commenting again... Uh...

Think about what you're going to post up.

Thank you,
~ Deaths Sweet Lullaby & Miss Murder

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