Friday, November 6, 2009

Go Green! ... Anime is doing it! ... Sort of.

Konnichiwa, everyone!

I'm here to talk about Bleach going green! ... Sort of.

So, we're relating environmental awareness, with anime. (It's a bit hard at first, but if you really think about it, it's not too difficult.)

So let's talk about Bleach. Not Karakura Town! (Those are normal humans like the rest of us. --Wasteful, and not aware!) We'll talk about Soul Society/Hueco Mundo.

In Soul Society, you don't see people with cars! They all walk. (Or use Shunpo... but it's practically equivalent to walking/running.)

For attacks and stuff, they use the Spritual Energy around them. And when people die in Soul Society, they turn into the Spiritual Energy particles in the air. (Sort of sucks, but it's kind of like recycling... In a twisted sort of way...) And you don't need to waste all that money on cell phones! (Even though they do have 'soul phones'. Which are like cell phones, but only used as a signal to know Hollows are in the area for Shinigami in the real world...) Everyone has spiritual energy in them as well, and each of them has a certain 'imprint' (I guess you can call it that...) If you know a person well enough, you will be able to sense their spiritual energy and talk to them. Also! For any announcements, they use something called a "Hell Butterfly", which connects to all the people that have to hear the announcement, and then bam! They hear it, and go to wherever they... need to go. (Or just know whatever they need to know...)

In Hueco Mundo it's practically the same. But there are no Shinigami or Soul Phones. They're all arrancars and just don't need to know stuff. ><

(Well they do, but usually Aizen just calls the Espada...)

The shinigami just use some portal from Soul Society to the real world to get there. Arrancars and Hollows use a special portal called "Gargantas".

See? They're all green with out even knowing it!

... And that's it! Mua-haha! >:3
Fear my green-ness!


~Death's Sweet Lullaby


Hey! Miss Murder here! Im going to tell you what the Naruto characters are doing to go green!

1. Ninjas don't rely on fossil fuels. They have an inner energy called chakra

2. Ninjas use reusable bags instead of plastic. Everyone knows that plastic bags are a ninja's worst enemy!

3. Ninjas practice community service when there is no one to kill

4. Ninjas love animals! They only attack them for self defence and food!

Looks like Sasuke is going green!

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